lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

The Dream

Chapter 1
It was the month of August and it was a rainy night, a 14-year-old camelia had had a heavy day and just went home and fell asleep, she was a girl very talkative, smart and always she was smiling. That dawn in her sleep she was dreaming that she would travel with her partners, in her dream she was dressed in a white dress, but she looked much older than about 21 years old, she had never boarded a plane so she seemed quite nervous, but everything was overcome by the excitement of the moment. Her mother and sister went to say goodbye and told her that they would wait anxiously for her return, the plane took off camellia had been waiting for that day for a long time and when she was finally to meet it the plane 

began to shake and collapsed crashing against the huge blue sea, at that moment she woke up screaming  she was agitated and breathing with difficulty, it had been very real the terror of the moment, the feeling of suffocation of despair of being locked in a device in the middle of the air  falling down and the fact of remembering it made her feel terrified, maybe it was the worst sensation in her life.  The next morning she looked exhausted she had not slept since then but said nothing, during the following months Camelia stayed away from her friends and decided not to tell her parents anything about what happened that night she thought that she could forget that dream very quickly. 

Chapter 2
 It pass two years and her family organized a vacation trip to a beautiful island but camelia refused to go with them without giving any reason although they insisted a lot they decided to cancel and travel to a nearby site by road. The time pass and Camelia remembered what happened that night but her life continued, now she was 19 years old, and she loved to dance and go out with her friends to have a good time and  for these reason she met her boyfriend. That day camelia and two of her friends went out to a disco and after some shots of  vodka Camelia began to dance in the middle of the dance floor, and there her eyes crossed with his eyes, from that day they started a relationship.
When she turned 22 the age in which she had dreamed her death, her boyfriend and his family invited her to their hometown on the other side of the country they had to travel by plane camelia refused and explained to her boyfriend about her dream of a few years ago, but he had a friend who was a psychologist and with intentions to help her he talk with his friend and decided that she could receive some therapies. He accompanied her to several sessions where Camelia was gradually overcoming her fear. Through the time camelia left this behind and decided to travel and know the place where her partner came from, it was  her first trip by plane and everything happened normal, since that day  she continued making short trips all in order to overcome her fear of flying and apparently it was fulfilling her objective.
 Many Years later Camelia and her boyfriend got married and went on a honeymoon to the other side of the world  because she wanted to go to Verona in Italy, Camelia told her husband that Romeo and Juliet's love story was carried out in that city and that the couples who visited Juliet's house and wrote their names there had a happy forever, so they decided that this would be their special place.  and although she was a little nervous everything went well the return trip was much calmer and she was no longer afraid. 

Chapter 3
The time continued to pass and everything was behind, they had two children a boy and a girl, only the memory remained the dream. Camelia and her family enjoyed making trips, she said that if she could face her fear, she should take advantage and travel to know many places.
Time passes and the son of camelia had a daughter, very similar to camellia by the way, when the girl was 14 years old developed an airplane phobia that no one could understand, her grandmother (camelia) told her that she had to face her  fear and told her about the dream that she had when she was her age and how she had overcome it. Camelia and her granddaughter were very close always doing many things together even the girl had inherited the taste for the dance that Camelia had as a young girl.
7 years later, it was the month of august and Camelia’s granddaughter was 21 years old and with her college mates organized a trip to the Bahamas to celebrate the end of the course she was very excited but a little nervous about traveling by plane. 
Meanwhile Camelia and her husband decided to travel back to that place on the other side of the world where they had had their honeymoon to revive their youth and remember as it began their story, in Juliet's house in Verona and it was precisely in that place where she had overcome her fear of flying by plane.

 That rainy August morning Camelia received a call from her son crying, she tried to understand what he said but she could not because her son was  very agitated,  a few minutes later  she finally understood the call , her granddaughter had gone on a trip with her college mates, it was the first time she traveled alone was very excited to know the world and the plane in which she was traveling had reported Having problems and that was the last thing they knew about them, before the plane and all the guys disappear into the sea.